25 November 2011

How my India story came to be

A blast from the past

I think one of the biggest questions for me will be why I waited so long to write my story. Indeed, it has been five years now since I first went to India. I guess it was just a matter of getting my life together and buckling down to write it. And now, I’ve chosen to do it in installments, and not necessarily in order. 

This lack of chronological order is because that’s how the story exists in my head. When I think about India, I don’t think about it in one big picture. It’s all about the small pictures that weave themselves together in my memories. 

So why write at all?

India changed me. It seems cliché, but I really did come back as a different person. I went to India about one month after my divorce was finalized, and while that is one of the best things to ever happen to me, it was a very hard time. In India, I found myself, albeit at a young age, but none the less, I came home a very different person. 

I wish everybody could have the experience I did. And, I don't mean a party trip to Goa, or a week long bus tour to the big sites. When you stay in a place for months, you get to see aspects of life that you don't see as a tourist. I'm not an expert, and even I was shielded from many things, but in the end, I got to have a really deep cultural experience. 


I do not plan to censor my story to make it politically correct or socially acceptable. The only things that I must not go into are aspects related directly to the company with which I was involved, or proprietary information. This is to protect myself, and to make it clear that I am writing this strictly of my own volition.

Without the company, I would never have had such an experience, and I am exceptionally thankful for this.

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